Our cyber security products span from our next gen SIEM used in the most secure government and critical infrastructure environments, to automated cyber risk reporting applications for commercial and government organisations of all sizes.
Digital transformation is necessary for your business to compete and succeed in today’s economy. With all the efficiencies and cost savings that cloud has to offer, it makes for a very alluring proposition. However, concerns persist around cloud security and privacy risks. Does your organisation need assurances of information security in a digital environment? Do you have visibility of your cyber posture?
You may think that by outsourcing to a cloud provider, traditional security considerations are no longer relevant and that it will be the cloud service provider that keeps your data safe. This thinking is dangerous, you can’t simply outsource risk. The majority of cloud providers protect only the containers their services reside in for any given service and customer. The important things (the data and configuration) within that container remain the responsibility of your organisation.
Your organisation’s compliance requirements against legislation and governmental rules won’t change, even when the way ICT is procured does. Your business will remain accountable for its data.
Choosing to migrate all or part of your data to the cloud means that you need to ensure the rigours of on-premise cyber security are applied in your cloud environment too. You will still need:
Huntsman Security provides a powerful, easy-to-deploy cloud-enabled security monitoring solution to protect your data. The software integrates with cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure to support your compliance against a range of standards including:
Enterprise SIEM provides and enables:
It also provides the following benefits for your Information Security team:
Access our White Paper ‘Cloud Security: Monitoring to the ACSC Essential Eight’ to learn how Protective Monitoring and implementing the ACSC Essential Eight security controls can improve your cloud security.
Read by directors, executives, and security professionals globally, operating in the most complex of security environments.