Our cyber security products span from our next gen SIEM used in the most secure government and critical infrastructure environments, to automated cyber risk reporting applications for commercial and government organisations of all sizes.
LONDON, UK – August 12, 2019 – Huntsman Security has expanded its security analytics and scorecard toolset by partnering with Panintelligence to develop a fully-featured business intelligence (BI) dashboard and reporting interface, ‘WebView’.
Designed for management stakeholders, SOC leaders and customers of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) that use Huntsman Security products, ‘WebView’ delivers market-leading BI technology via highly advanced, responsive graphical displays to browsers and mobile device users. It includes flexible options for customisation, configuration and the ability to drill into incident and alert data based on the user’s roles and priorities, allowing them to:
‘WebView’ enables security functions to provide rich, interactive views of cyber security risk and control effectiveness across the parts of the business they protect.
‘WebView’ dashboard
Peter Woollacott, CEO, Huntsman Security said:
“‘WebView’ allows our business users to examine security performance just as they would any other aspect of their business operations. And for mobile users on tablets or smart phones the interface gives them instant, on-demand access to the latest risk information.”
‘WebView’ is available now as part of new Huntsman Security Next Gen SIEM solution deployments and for existing customers.
Huntsman Security – founded in Sydney, Australia – is a cyber security specialist focused on supporting its customers’ cyber resilience with real-time security threat detection, verification and resolution products.
Their Next Gen SIEM & Security Analytics, Automation and Scorecard solutions are deployed in mission-critical security environments in the national intelligence, border protection and critical infrastructure sectors globally. Huntsman Security’s offices are located in Sydney and London with operations in Tokyo and the Philippines.
Fast-growing business intelligence and data analytics software developer Panintelligence is based in Leeds, UK. They provide BI and analytics platforms, which are used across a wide range of industry sectors and embedded within solutions to provide real-time business intelligence dashboards and predictive analytics.
Dominic Walsh +44 (0) 20 7436 0420
Read by directors, executives, and security professionals globally, operating in the most complex of security environments.