Our cyber security products span from our next gen SIEM used in the most secure government and critical infrastructure environments, to automated cyber risk reporting applications for commercial and government organisations of all sizes.
The Australian Government’s Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) is a risk management and assurance program that enables industry partners to understand and meet their security obligations when engaging in Defence projects and tenders.
DISP operates using the Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF), which aligns with the Commonwealth’s Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF). The ACSC Essential Eight controls are mandated by the PSPF.
The PSPF includes four outcomes:
The PSPF has a number of information security requirements. The table below is an excerpt from the Government’s PSPF web page: https://www.protectivesecurity.gov.au/policies/information-security
Sensitive and classified information
Each entity must:
Access to information
Each entity must enable appropriate access to official information. This includes:
Safeguarding data from cyber threats
Each entity must mitigate common cyber threats by:
Robust ICT systems
Each entity must ensure the secure operation of their ICT systems to safeguard information and the continuous delivery of government business by applying the Australian Government Information Security Manual’s cyber security principles during all stages of the lifecycle of each system.
Huntsman Security’s Essential Eight reporting and compliance solutions support DISP accreditation. The Essential 8 Auditor and Essential 8 Scorecard systematically collect and analyse events from your infrastructure, systems, services and applications to deliver comprehensive measurement against the ACSC Essential Eight mitigation strategies.
The Essential 8 Auditor provides on-demand cyber vulnerability and maturity assessment. The product delivers a point-in-time view of an organisation’s security control effectiveness against the Essential Eight. It is self-install and can be implemented and operated by IT staff. Results are exportable for sharing with security team colleagues, for inclusion in self-assessments or for distribution to a wider business audience locally or remotely.
The Essential 8 Scorecard continuously monitors an environment to provide ongoing visibility of Essential Eight security control effectiveness. This enables an organisation to track performance and compare performance across domains, business units and organisations.
To arrange a product demonstration or discuss how you can measure the implementation and maintenance of the Essential Eight security controls in your organisation, contact us today.
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